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Memberships where classes are included

Bengal Kitten

249 kr/mån
Startkostnad: 99 kr
Pass: 50 kr
  • 4 månaders bindningstid
  • 1 pass/vecka ingår
Ideal for Beginner cats, if you want to slowly build up your strength.
You will be able to book one class per week.

Ragdoll Cuddles

349 kr/mån
Startkostnad: 99 kr
Pass: 50 kr
  • 4 månaders bindningstid
  • 3 pass/vecka ingår
Best way to build up your skills, strength and flexibility.

This membership will give you 3 classes per week and those can be used for any kind of classes.

Maine Coon Beast

539 kr/mån
Startkostnad: 99 kr
  • 4 månaders bindningstid
For those who want to fly whenever fits them!

This membership will allow you to join all classes, there is unlimited amount of bookings.

Scholarly Lynx

359 kr/mån
Startkostnad: 99 kr
  • 4 månaders bindningstid
For the students who have a smaller budget

This membership will allow you to join all classes, there is unlimited amount of bookings.